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2016 Affiliations - Complete these online now

It might seem weird that this is big news for us - but we have kicked out paper and finally have a completely online affiliation system!

Fencing New Zealand requires all fencers to be affiliated, and we try to make this as easy as possible for fencers. Our new system makes it easier than ever before for fencers and supporters to join Fencing North and Fencing New Zealand, all through an online form with payment through paypal or by credit/debit card. When you sign up you will create a login to this site that lets you manage your membership information and easily renew each year with as little hassle as possible - and if you're logged in and entering events, some of your basic information will be autopopulated in the entry forms!

Memberships are open for the year and due by 31st March or before your first competition - you can sign up on our memberships page: