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Fencing North Meeting - June 2014

Fencing North Committee Meeting

Wednesday 4th June 2014, 7.30pm

Meadowbank Community Centre, Auckland




John Garelja - President (holding proxy for Anya Kamynina)

Oliver Agnew - Secretary

Johann Ryu - Treasurer

Gaylene Ongley

Laura Harvey

Jeremy Dyson

Chris Lear



Anya Kamynina



Meeting starts 7.30pm



Minutes from previous meeting (7th May) approved. Moved by Laura Harvey and seconded by Chris Lear. All in favour.

Oliver moves that we accept the Treasurers report. John seconds. All in favour.

Oliver moves that costs for referees travelling to assist with FeNZ events run by Fencing North must be pre-approved by the North committee. Chris Lear seconds. All in favour.

Minutes from recent FeNZ meetings haven't been sent out, John to get these from Vicci Lamb (FeNZ Secretary).

John to talk to Vicci Lamb about funding situation for fencers attending Asian and World Champs.

John to talk to Vicci Lamb about lack of correspondence about Russian Visas for athletes competing at World Champs.


North Islands Feedback/Questions:

Competition jurisdiction for seeding and pool sizing (among other issues). FeNZ should give a ruling and notify which rule is applicable.

How many fencers is enough to run separate Championship events? Do we have a national standard for this?

Disorganisation at setup on Friday night. This needs to be much better organised.

Explore options for including some sort of setup jobs in the entry form for Aucklanders.

Fencing North would like to express their appreciation to Heather Claydon all her hard work at North Islands over the weekend.

Fencing North would like to express disappointment in numbers of fencers attending from other regions.

Catering at North Islands was fantastic. We’d like to thank Auckland High Performance Fencing for the effort they put into providing this.

Level of competition at the event was outstanding for Epee and Foil. Events were particularly top heavy in terms of most top ranked fencers competing.

Numbers in sabre were disappointing.


North Secondary School Circuit:

Oliver to organise petrol vouchers for referees at the Secondary School event this weekend.


Affiliation Cards:

Affiliation cards, Oliver will produce cards on paper card and laminate them.



Meeting closed at 9pm