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Fencing North Meeting - October 2014

Fencing North Committee Meeting

Wednesday 1st October 2014, 7.30pm

Meadowbank Community Centre, Meadowbank




John Garelja - President

Heather Claydon - Vice President

Oliver Agnew - Secretary (Holds proxy for Judit Fliszar)

Johann Ryu - Treasurer

Gaylene Ongley 

Laura Harvey

Jeremy Dyson

Chris Lear



Judit Fliszar


Meeting starts at 7.30pm


Minutes from previous meeting:

John Garelja moves that we approve minutes from the previous meeting. Jeremy Dyson seconds. All in favour.


Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting:

Laura Harvey to email Leon Thomas about coaching.

Oliver Agnew to organise trophy release forms for trophies presented at NZSS/U20s.


We need to pay our outstanding affiliations to Fencing New Zealand, John moves that we pay FeNZ outstanding affiliations, Jeremy seconds. All in favour.

The final figure needs to be calculated, but is expected to be around $1400. Oliver to pay this to FeNZ via internet banking.


Treasurer’s Report: 

Laura moves that we accept the report. Gaylene seconds. All in favour


Fencing NZ Planning Meeting:

Fencing Central have indicated that they would like FeNZ to employ a part time administrator. Laura Harvey moves that Fencing North would like to support this. Chris Lear seconds. All in favour.

We are also going to propose that FeNZ distribute meeting agendas and treasurer’s reports at least a week in advance of each meeting, and meeting minutes within a week following each meeting.

Oliver Agnew moves that we pay for John Garelja to attend the FeNZ Planning Meeting in Wellington (4th October 2014). Laura Harvey seconds. All in favour. This is expected to be around $300 for airfares.


North Open Champs:

Fencing North Open Champs will be held on the 18th October in the hall at Massey High School. Epee will run at 9am, Foil at 11am, Sabre at 1pm, originally foil was to be run first but we have swapped foil and epee around.

There will also be a training camp on the 19th October at Rangitoto College. This will be run by Anya Kamynina, Judit Fliszar, and Paul Hentschel.


Fencing North Event Calendar 2015:

Heather Claydon will continue organising this. Jeremy Dyson mentioned that there is an opportunity for a large number of fencers from Noumea/Tahiti attending an event in Auckland. We may change some dates to cater for this group.


Club Plans and Information for 2015:

Oliver Agnew to email fencing clubs and see what plans they have for 2015, also collect information from them to add to our website (training times/locations/contact details/etc)


Fencing North Website & Facebook Page:

Oliver Agnew wants to upgrade the Joomla! template and hosting for our website. John Garelja moves that we budget $250 towards this, Laura Harvey seconds. All in favour.

Oliver also wants more people to contribute to the content and management of our Facebook page, Oliver will look into how we can do this.


Other Business:

Laura will send a copy of the Fencing North constitution to the North Executive

We sold two old copper pistes for $450



Meeting closed 9.20pm