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Fencing North Committee Meeting - 10 October 2022

Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 10.10.2022


 Meeting Opened:  7:10 pm (MS Teams)


Present: Ben Upton (Secretary), Peter Butler (President); Katie Logan (Academy of Fencing); Fiona Campbell (Tournaments & H&S); Mary Black (Tuatahi),  Hannah Choi (Auckland University), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer).

Apologies: Sunnie Sun (Vice President), Kirsten Hansen - Media


Minutes of last committee meeting

Last months minutes September 19th we’re adopted as written



No regional tournaments have been held since our last meeting

Upcoming regional tournaments


FN Open - October 16th

Registration numbers are satisfactory to date. However we have fully booked Te Pai stadium as a test run for oceania's. this may mean the competition will run at a loss.


FN Larsen

Hamilton Boys High School – 06.11.22

Peter to coordinate with Andrew Collings regarding supply of six pistes and related equipment prior to pentathlon event October 29th

All profits to be retained by Waikato Swords

This will be the final open competition for the year and will be promoted as such


Team Sabre & Foil competition

competition to be coordinated between Auckland university and Academy Clubs

Profit to be shared

Fiona and Peter to work with Luke Meng


Bauble - cancelled

the Bubble and the Bauble competitions over the last two years were established to compensate for the disruptive nature of Covid these competitions will not be carried forward



Entries as at 10.10.2022

74 Indivduals

24 Vets

Teams to be confirmed


Registrations close October 17th late entries on October 20th

Concerns are noted over the additional costs of this competition and a loss is likely on current projections

Cost of flights/ accommodation referee costs major issues

We monitor with care and making adjust adjustments


Initial plans over organizing a dinner Saturday night have been cancelled

Local BBQ is to be confirmed


Initial plan to run 13 pistes is being reconsidered

Reschedule to run teams competition Sunday

Peter and Fiona to review numbers and piste requirements

Possibility of renting pistes from pulse fencing but to be avoided if possible


A number of volunteers have come forward which is greatly appreciated


Tuatahi have agreed to cater the entire three days. Resolved to meet Saturday 15th at TePai review piste layout.



P&L currently $12351.85 for year

Funding grant of 11,500 for national competitions has played a significant role

we have invested $8900 in that new equipment notably video referee

we are in danger of having this year's profit eroded by oceanias



Resolved to be Sunday December 11th to be held at Peter Butler's home 4.00pm followed by a BBQ.

A fundraiser would be a welcome addition to the committee for 2023

Chairman's report to be presented


Gender Specific competitions

Much thought is going into competition format for 2023 with a new renewed emphasis to try and run all competitions gender separate

The Open and the Larson will be run on this basis as a trial

Fiona Campbell has reached out and seeking feedback from the fencing community and has received a number of considered responses

A proposal for competition format will be presented at the AGM for discussion and adoption


2023 Calendar

A proposed calendar has been circulated for 2023. final draft will not be adopted until after Oceania's and further consultation. go to publish by mid November allowing fencing coaches a month to consider planes before the end of the 2022 school year.


Health and safety

injury reports from pickworth have been submitted to the National Health and safety manager

fencing N ran a first aid course February 2020 which will expire February 2022

consideration to repeating this course prior to that date needs to be reviewed



Nothing to report


Meeting Closed 9.20