The world of Fencing needs you!
We have a big shortage of qualified referees here in the North region, and we’re committed to sorting it out.
So here’s a chance for you to hone your skills and make a difference!
Fencing North are holding a series of Refereeing Development Workshops across the summer break, designed to take referees with some club or tournament experience and teach you everything you need to be one of the best.
Acclaimed International and National referees Anya Kamynina and Neil Young will be running these FIE rules based practical workshops at Auckland Swords on a Wednesday night once each month, starting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 13th November.
Throughout the series you’ll be observed / coached while refereeing bouts, and then ultimately have an opportunity to sit an FIE based assessment.
This could be your chance to hit the world stage like some other well-known Kiwis have before you.
Get into it and be the change you want to see in our sport!
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register.