Fencing North Meeting – June 2019
Meeting Opened: 7:08pm
Present: David Elder, Amanda Hopkins, Katie Logan, Murray McGuire-Barnes.
Apologies: Mary Black, Neil Young, Vicky Fan.
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Katie moved that the minutes from May be accepted as correct. David seconded. Motion carried.
Matters Arising: David reported that the changes to the wording of the new membership tiers have been submitted to FeNZ, and that FeNZ is still formulating its approach to privacy issues.
Following a reminder to schools, there has been an increase in affiliations in the past month.
A sub-committee has been put together to plan National Secondary Schools, made up of David, Katie, Murray, Laura Harvey and Kyle Macdonald.
The Fencing North survey is almost ready to be circulated; it is just awaiting a final review.
David has renewed the Fencing Time subscription and donated an old laptop to Fencing North for the purpose of running a second instance of Fencing Time.
Health and Safety: No incidents were reported in the previous month. However, there were a few minor issues with the setup of fabric pistes in the Grandstand Lounge at the Secondary School Teams Sabre – the pistes sometimes lifted from the carpet, causing a few sections to come loose. The committee agreed that the Grandstand Lounge would be the last option for competitions in future and that fabric pistes would be avoided on carpet.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda gave the Treasurer’s report, noting that the money coming in from competitions was putting the committee in a good financial position. Invoices have not yet gone out to schools for the teams competitions, and some invoices for hall hireage from Trusts have not yet been received. Katie seconded her report. The report was accepted.
Competitions: There are two competitions in the upcoming month: the Secondary Schools Individuals #3 (Saturday 29th June) and the Pickworth Open (Saturday 6th July).
Fees for out-of-towners: In previous competitions, Fencing North has occasionally waived fees for out-of-town fencers who had to travel to attend our competitions in Auckland. David proposed that for regional tournaments, fees should be waived for affiliated members of Fencing North who live outside of the Greater Auckland area. Amanda seconded. Motion carried.
North Islands: The committee discussed the organisation of North Islands, which will be held on August 17-18th. It is important to secure a DT and a competition schedule soon, since people will want to book flights for the competition. Katie will liaise with FeNZ to arrange these.
FeNZ News: Amanda reported the FeNZ news, which will appear in the meeting minutes on the FeNZ website.
Other Business:
Fencing North Tracksuits: The committee discussed organising a branded tracksuit that fencers could wear to represent the region at National competitions.
Fencing Commercial: Fencing North has been contacted by an advertiser who wishes to hire fencers and equipment for a commercial. David will liaise with him to arrange this.
Meeting Closed: 8:42pm.