Fencing North Annual General Meeting 2019
Onehunga Community Centre
2pm, 1st December
Meeting Opened: 2:11pm.
David Elder
Amanda Hopkins
Katie Logan
Maja Saran
Ryan Yan
Sunnie Sun
Daniel Shi
Mary Black
Sam Kenney (proxy: David Elder)
Peter Butler (proxy: Maja Saran)
Andi Liu (proxy: Katie Logan)
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Sunnie moved that the minutes from the 2018 AGM be accepted as correct. Katie seconded. Carried with all in favour.
President’s Report: David gave the President’s Report. Mary seconded David’s report. The report was accepted with all in favour.
The report will circulated to all members via email.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda presented and discussed the financial statements for 2019. The society has made a significant loss this year. Amanda recommended some areas where expenditures could be decreased, as well as that Fencing North should seek funding to offset hall hire in 2020.
Katie seconded Amanda’s report. The report was accepted with all in favour.
Election of Executive Officers: One nomination was received for each executive position:
- President: David Elder
- Vice President: Sunnie Sun
- Treasurer: Amanda Hopkins
- Secretary: Katie Logan
Mary moved that the nominees be elected as a bloc. Maja seconded. The officers were elected with all in favour.
Amendments to the Constitution: A proposed set of amendments to the Fencing North Constitution was tabled by Katie Logan (second: Amanda Hopkins), for the purpose of creating the new executive position of Head of Tournaments. This is to be an appointed position charged with running Fencing North tournaments.
Following some discussion, some minor changes to the wording of the initially proposed article 12.5 were made. The full text of the amendments is attached.
David moved that the amendments to the constitution, with the changes noted at this meeting, be accepted altogether. Katie seconded. The motion passed with all in favour.
The meeting discussed further the possibility of rewriting the Fencing North Constitution entirely to bring it into the modern day. However, Amanda noted that the Incorporated Societies Act is likely to be completely replaced c. 2021, and it would be counterproductive for us to change our constitution before knowing the stipulations of the new Act.
Setting of Affiliation Fees for 2020: In recent years, the cost to affiliate to Fencing North has been free for all membership tiers. Although Fencing North has lost money this year, increasing affiliation fees would likely only bring in a fraction of what is earned through events. Further, Fencing New Zealand will be increasing its affiliation fee in 2020. Fencing North remains dedicated to reducing barriers to entry by retaining a low affiliation fee.
David proposed that the Fencing North affiliation fee remain at $0 for all membership tiers. Maja seconded. The motion was carried with all in favour.
Meeting Closed: 2:49pm.
Appendix: Amendments to the Fencing North Constitution
Amendment to Article 10.1
Current Text: The management of the business and affairs of the Council shall be vested in the Executive which shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Minute Secretary (if required), Treasurer and Delegates.
Proposed Text: The management of the business and affairs of the Council shall be vested in the Executive which shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Minute Secretary (if required), Treasurer, Head of Tournaments and Club Delegates.
Amendment to Article 10.2
Current Text: The Officers shall be elected at the annual general meeting of the Council and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting when they shall retire.
Proposed Text: The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Minute Secretary (if required) and Treasurer shall be elected at the annual general meeting of the Council and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting when they shall retire.
Addition of Article 10.7
The Head of Tournaments shall be appointed by the Executive at any meeting of the Executive, and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting when they shall retire. The Head of Tournaments may be removed from that position at any meeting of the Executive by a majority of at least three-fifths of the Individual Members present, in person or by proxy.
Addition of Article 12.5
The Head of Tournaments shall ensure the organisation of all tournaments for which the Council is responsible.