Fencing North Committee Meeting – 26th October 2020
Meeting Opened: 7:10pm
Present: David Elder, Sunnie Sun, Katie Logan, Maja Saran, Rhys Greensill, Mary Black, Peter Butler.
Apologies: Matt Stanley.
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: David noted a correction to the minutes from September: the FeNZ committee agreed that each region would hold a regional competition on Labour weekend, not necessarily a regional championship.
David moved that the minutes for September be accepted with this correction. Maja seconded. Motion carried.
Matters Arising: There has not been any news on the Mediaeval Madness event as of yet.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda was not present to give the treasurer’s report. The report will be received at the next committee meeting.
Competitions: There is one event remaining on our calendar: the Christmas tournament scheduled for the 5th of December. David expressed that the aim for the event was to celebrate fencing and bring the community together, with as much participation as possible. However, there was disagreement over the form the event would take, and issues around affiliation were raised.
A subcommittee consisting of Maja, Katie, Peter and Mary was created to organise the tournament. They committed to have a proposal before the committee before the end of the week.
Health and Safety: This month there were no reported incidents at Fencing North competitions. Action point to David: check whether FeNZ requires long pants to be worn at club trainings.
Fundraising: Rhys reported the status of our fundraising activities.
We currently have three applications outstanding:
- Aktive Auckland: $28,570 for aluminium pistes and community outreach. The status of this application is unclear.
- Four Winds: $17,500 for aluminium pistes. Rhys will contact them to ascertain the status of the application.
- Lion Foundation: $16,00 for coaching development. The results of this application should be announced soon.
Of the money we have received, $1000 is earmarked for first aid training for coaches. $4700 from Aktive Auckland is discretionary, some of which will likely go towards to first aid course and some to outreach. In addition, the funding for fabric pistes which we have received requires that we use these for community outreach and building the sport.
David moved the following proposal: Fencing North aims to work with clubs to develop strategies for taking fencing to the wider community. To that end, Fencing North encourages all clubs to conduct demonstrations at at least two schools or other community venues in the next 6 months, using Fencing North supplied boxes and fabric pistes. Fencing North will pay expenses of $100 per demonstration to the club, provided that we receive a list of names and (optionally) contacts of those who attended, and photographs of the demonstration. These payments will go to a maximum of $1500 in total.
Note: A list of participants in the outreach demonstrations is a requirement of our funding agreement with the Auckland Council.
Rhys seconded this proposal. Passed with all in favour.
FeNZ News: David reported the news from Fencing New Zealand.
David has put together a report for FeNZ about funding opportunities. The other regions have been invited to contact him for advice on seeking funding.
A subcommittee is working on the national event calendar for 2021. In addition, there will soon be a formal review of the affiliation system.
FeNZ is looking for a committee member for the Athletes Commission.
Other Business:
Equipment: One of our metal pistes is bent from a incident where some of the sections fell off the trolley. Mary has contact details for a place that should be able to straighten the sections. Action point for Peter and Mary: Get a quote and organise fixing the piste.
Permanent: Rhys and Peter reported on their progress in looking for a permanent venue. There is a good opportunity coming up in Glenn Innes in the next 6 months, with a building around 24m by 40m. We would need to put in the wooden floor. Another opportunity is a building next to the university cricket club, of 17m x 40m, which could be converted into a gym. Some issues were raised around the location, as both Fencing North and Swords would want to secure a venue as central as possible.
Annual General Meeting: The AGM will be held on Sunday, 22nd November, at 6:30pm. The venue will be the Saran family home at 50A Godden Crescent, Mission Bay. Katie will send out the formal notice of the meeting.
Volunteer Recognition: Sunnie suggested that we find a way to recognise our volunteers at the end of this year. Katie will encourage our club contacts to send contact details for volunteers to Sunnie so their contribution can be formally acknowledged.
Meeting Closed: 9:12pm