Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 07.12.2020
Meeting Opened: 7:10pm
Present: David Elder (President), Ben Upton (Secretary), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Rhys Greensill (Fund Raising), Mary Black (Tuatahi), Matthew Houton (Auckland High Performance Fencing Club), Matt Stanley (late)(Whangarei Swords).
Apologies: Peter Butler
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Minutes approved.
Matters Arising
Rhys gave a report on fund raising. Venue opportunities outlined –Sub-committee (Rhys and Peter) to continue the search. Trusts is an adequate tournament and storage venue for now.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer presented her report which was approved. There is current balance of $49,000. Of that, $12,000 (from Auckland Council), has to be spent on fabric pistes.
Audit of accounts
The AGM discussion led to agreement not to have an audit. The Constitution needs a general review. On-going audit requirements can be addressed as part of that.
Maja Saran appointed Head of Tournaments for 2021.
Rhys Greensill appointed Fund Raising Office for 2021.
Bauble Ensemble
This was a success with 72 separate entries with a number of first-time tournament fencers. $2,430 revenue gained. There will be some profit. Could be a good event going forward and a good format (with novice and expert options making it more accessible to more).
Report of Head of Tournaments for 2020
Maja presented her report which was accepted. There are some important learnings in this report and it is attached.
There was discussion with purchase of a Fencing Time Server Multi pack to be progressed. Maja to present a budget for this at the next meeting.
Tournament programme
David outlined the draft 2021 Tournament Programme. This will be finalised following confirmation around venues. Dates suitable for a Whangarei tournament will be discussed further. There are also FENZ supported training camps in January. See below.
Health and Safety
Maja Saran advised of a reported incident (bruise) at the Bauble Ensemble. David (as Health and Safety Officer) will report in to FENZ. No further action required.
FeNZ News
There are to be a series of camps, run by regions, which will be supported by FeNZ financially. The Fencing North camp will take place in late January 2021 for 4 days. There will be a Fencing Central camp in early January. Affiliation fees (to include a one-event fee) is an on-going discussion. The National Tournament Calendar for 2021 is set. How and what team selections there will be for 2021 is under discussion.
Other Business:
Goals for 2021
There was a discussion about setting goals. The next meeting will look at everyone’s ideas.
Committee Meeting dates
Last Monday of each month at 7pm. Zoom as the default option. In person meetings can be held by agreement.
Constitution project
Ben to develop a draft, updated Constitution. This with a view to introducing it at the next AGM.
Massey University sabre tournament
20th December 2020 (Sunday). Massey University Recreation centre from 10am-4pm. The entry fee remains $50 with a free complete Sabre for the first 20 entries. Further details will be released soon on MUAFF Facebook page.
Meeting Closed: 9:00pm