Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 03.02.2021
Meeting Opened: 7:00pm (via Zoom)
Present: David Elder (President), Ben Upton (Secretary), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Rhys Greensill (Fund Raising), Matthew Houtman (Auckland High Performance Fencing Club), Judit Fliszar, Sunnie Sun, Peter Butler (Auckland Swords), Hanna Choi.
Apologies: Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Matt Stanley (Whangarei Swords), Mary Black (Tuatahi)
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Minutes approved.
Matters Arising – No matters arising. Constitution review not yet started - Ben Upton to progress.
Take up of entries for Bubble Ensemble slow, but this will take place as planned.
Fencing Time Server Multi pack – Licence is $883. Need cloud space (available at $84 for 2GB or $132 for 10GB) or your own server. The multi pack will be required for larger tournaments. A privately owned licence (from Christchurch) is the other option.
Approved, pending confirmation that the $883 is not an annual licence fee (and rather a one-off payment), FN to purchase a Fencing Time Server Multi pack licence with cloud based server of 2GB capacity to a budget of no more than $1,000. Maja Saran at liberty to seek approval for a higher amount if needed.
Maja has the goal of training up some others to assist and to improve the registration system for teams in particular.
Above Competition Head report approved.
Provided a sufficient travel bubble is open, FN will host Oceanic Juniors and Seniors. Venues to be explored. If Oceanic status is not possible (due to lack of bubble) then this will just be a National Open tournament.
There was discussion around team numbers for team tournaments (especially schools). There is a need for clarity on this in respect of all tournaments. There is a preference for 4 + 1 reserve (total 5), but this may be difficult to accommodate within the Fencing Time programme. It would be possible to run events manually. Maja to explore whether Fencing Time can accommodate teams of 4 + 1 reserve events.
There is a need for some more medals – Gold and Silver in particular. Maja to perform a stock take and advise.
Treasurer’s Report
Amanda Hopkins provided the following summary report ahead of the meeting which was read out to those attending:
- P&L for year to date circa $13,000 (includes $12,500 grant from Auckland Council for Pistes)
- Balances total $50k
- Payments to receive include grant of $4,000 for Fencing Camps from Fencing NZ
- Payment outstanding include approx.. $900 to O Agnew for website – plus 2021 website fees (Oliver to transfer the account to Fencing North direct debit at some stage)
- Camp reconciliation shows a surplus of $3,656 to carry forward to the next camp (this includes the $4,000 Grant from FeNZ)
So looking positive.
Report accepted as outlined.
Delegated authority for payments was discussed. Agreed that two of President, Secretary or Treasurer can approve Opex payments of up to $6,000. Payments for capital items in excess of $5,000 will require Committee approval.
No new applications since last meeting. Active NZ has two new funds which will be looked at and applications for funding made if appropriate. There is a desire to purchase sectional pistes, although previous grant applications for such have been rejected.
Permanent Venue
Rhys Greensil gave a presentation in relation to Fencing North supporting a dedicated fencing centre in Auckland. This follows a long period of thought about this, but no action. The presentation was tabled.
Agreed that FN should continue to explore this option seriously. The idea needs to be socialised more widely within the FN region via all clubs. Few were in attendance at this meeting. A further Fencing North Committee meeting to involve all clubs is to be called for that purpose. It is to be held on Monday, 22 February 2020. David to formulate the necessary communication. It is important that all clubs that have an interest attend.
Health and Safety
Nothing to report.
Last meeting was in December 2020. $4,000 was provided by FENZ for the FN Camp. A one-day affiliation option to enable tournament participation is being furthered. The FIE position for the competition season was outlined. There is a new FENZ Privacy Policy in place.
Coaching Report
The recent Camp was reported on. It was a success. 70 participants and a good venue. The coaching development programme was held in combination. Hoped that this Camp idea can be repeated.
There is a First Aid course on 13 February. There are still 10 free spaces. A First Aid certificate is a prerequisite for the Fencing Coach qualification.
Confirmation of next meeting date – 22 February 2020 (see above).
Other Business:
No other business.
Meeting Closed: 9:08 pm