Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 03.05.2021
Meeting Opened: 7:00pm (Microsoft Teams)
Present: David Elder (President), Ben Upton (Secretary), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Sunnie Sun (Vice President, Massey University), Peter Butler (Auckland Swords), Katie Logan (NZ Academy of Fencing), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Rhys Greensill, Matt Stanley (Whangarei Swords)
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Minutes approved.
Matters Arising – Mary has started a guide for parents etc. for tournaments. Mary to circulate draft for next month’s meeting. No other matters arising.
Treasurer’s Report
Doing OK. Profit of c.$3,000 outside of grants and donations. Major school tournaments to come. There are pistes to come and some referees to pay.
There was an agreement some time ago for payment to referees of $25 per half day for age-group and national secondary championships (2019). There was discussion around payment generally and whether payment would incentivise better assistance and participation. There was a general view that this should be done to improve the quality of tournaments. There was a problem in the past with payment. Vouchers were used in the past. Katie is currently referee co-ordinator and will be charged with distribution of these. Costs of this can be factored into the tournament fees. There does need to be some route to qualification but we need to grow the volume of the referee poule first. Self-refereeing will not be paid.
Agreed policy emerged - All fencers are expected be able to self-referee if required. Fencing North will recompense persons who are invited to attend to referee or otherwise asked to referee an event other than that which they are entered into at a rate of $25 per half day. This will not include nationals (addressed by FENZ). This policy should apply to all Fencing North organised tournaments. This was agreed.
Amanda Hopkins to contact Oliver Agnew about outstanding money due for website hosting.
Amanda’s report approved.
Maja Saran will update terms and conditions if required.
All fencers who have entered Fenton are FN members.
A new computer has been purchased for Fencing Time. A router will be purchased – this is on order. The system will have Wifi. A third computer is being looked for. This hardware is required before the new Fencing Time licence is purchased.
There was a discussion around the selection of secondary school teams. In the past, selection has been to select school based teams, unless a school cannot put up a team, at which point individuals may be put into composite teams and entered by Fencing North.
FN is organising Oceanics at Te Pai. Dave Elder advised that both of those events are likely to be covered by Sky Sport Next / 9. These will not be Oceania championships unless all participant nations can take part. At the moment, however, we need to plan as though these are taking place and, if not Oceanic, it will be a Nationals tournament in any event. David Elder is putting together an organising committee for this.
There is a clash with training camp and Pickworth. This will be addressed.
Permanent Venue
Rhys Greensill reported. This is being progressed after Rhys had been taken out of action due to a family bereavement. There is general interest but concerns about location and cost. There will be an update report at the next meeting. There are several leads to follow around venue options.
Health and Safety
No reports
Better reporting procedures had been raised as an issue by a member (Hannah Choi). She was not there to present.
There has been one application to Active Auckland - $15,000. This was not successful. There is a further application for $8,000 for funding to cover advice on a permanent venue.
Dave Elder outlined items that require priority for funding – Metal pistes, boxes, running costs of Oceanics, televised coverage of both events, virtual referee system, permanent venue, tournament running costs, first aid running costs.
There was discussion around getting funding for production costs for TV coverage – David Elder to progress this.
Quotes are needed for equipment items.
Hardship funds
Dave Elder has had this as an idea for some time. There are a number of fencers who struggle to find the funds for travel. There is a desire to set up a hardship fund to assist fencers who have potential, but simply do not have the money.
This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Australia U17s
At the last FENZ meeting it was decided not to send a team to Australia U17s. There was a concern around the travel risks with Covid. A few fencers wish to go independently
This has been resolved by FENZ as published.
Whangarei tournament
Matt Stanley is looking to promote a tournament in Whangarei in July. There is also currently a slot on 6 November.
FeNZ News
Nothing to report.
Other Business: No other business.
Confirmation of next meeting date – Monday, 31 May 2021.
Meeting Closed: 9:26 pm