Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 06.07.2021
Meeting Opened: 7:11 pm (Microsoft Teams)
Present: David Elder (President)(holding Maja Saran proxy), Ben Upton (Secretary), Sunnie Sun (Vice President, Massey University), Katie Logan (NZ Academy of Fencing), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Ryan Yan.
Apologies: Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Matt Stanley (Whangarei Swords), Mary Black (Tuatahi).
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Minutes approved.
Matters Arising:
Maja still needs more support – A call was made for help in terms of running foil events, but there were no responses. There was a discussion around options (shoulder tapping / call out for club support). Email to go out to all clubs to ask. We will look to allocate tournaments to clubs again for 2022 season.
Medals – These have been ordered. These may take a month (said 3 weeks ago).
Training Camp – To be held in 2 weeks’ time at MAGS. Only 6 applicants thus far. We will need to do more advertising to support. We will send an email reminder. There will be no increase in the coaching fee that has been offered. This will be kept under review. Flyers to be provided at the Secondary School # 3 tournament.
Fabric Pistes – These have arrived. Yet to be invoiced.
Sectional Pistes – These have been priced. See further below.
Whangarei Tournament – This is on 1 August. This will run the Pickworth and a beginner tournament. Email to be sent promoting this.
Epee Teams – This was moved to 3 November. But there is a clash with Mid-South Tournament. Mid-South have requested that this event be moved. This will remain on the date allocated. To be kept under review. It is difficult to run two day tournaments.
Referee training – Slides still in production. This is with Katie Logan.
Team qualification – The email has been sent out on this today.
Treasurer’s Report
Fencing North is doing well. Competition fees running at $19k. Hall hire remains highest cost ($10k). Need to make a second payment of $5k for pistes. Some money still owed to Oliver Agnew. FIE provided some new boxes. There were also some spools (now at Mid South – hopefully to be returned after NZSS at end August). There is a possibility of buying some new spools.
FENZ has ordered another box (Favero 0.5) and spools have been ordered, along with some masks have been ordered. It is hoped that these will be coming to Fencing North.
There needs to be an asset management plan around the equipment, so that the competition equipment is kept in good order. To be discussed with Peter Butler.
Two new spools will be purchased – Approved. Fencing North will need to look at retiring equipment to clubs when that is possible. At present there is only enough stock to run tournaments.
Amanda’s report approved.
Maja Saran’s report (via email) was read. SS #2 a success. McLeavey less so in terms of numbers. Two day tournaments are a stress on all concerned and we are unlikely to take that approach in 2021.
There was discussion around U20 and U23. This will be moved to weekend of 4th September.
Referee scheme with voucher payments is working well.
Report approved.
Permanent Venue
A venue in Ellerslie was looked at alongside Auckland Swords but the landlord withdrew. Other options are being looked at. Lloyd Elsmore Park (Pakuranga) is being developed. There may be some options there, although this is a long-term plan.
Health and Safety
No reports, although there was a minor hand injury in women’s sabre – Incident report completed.
Rhys Greensill has been asked to focus funding to sectional pistes. There are quotes obtained. It was suggested that FN apply for funding to a maximum of $15,000 for 2-4 pistes. Approved.
Oceanic Juniors / Seniors
There is the possibility of some TV coverage which Dave Elder would assist with in terms of production. The cost is around $5k per day. Total cost around $15k. Sky Sport Next might provide some $5k. So there would be a shortfall of $10k.
There was discussion as to whether this proposal should be progressed. It was accepted that the likelihood of an Oceanics event was doubtful and even if it took place, there would likely be low attendance on account of Covid / travel restrictions / nature of the event. Agreed that this year is not the year. TV coverage proposal not approved.
Applications will be made for funding in any event, as well as secondary school championships. There will be funding sought for venue hire and first aid help. Approved.
FeNZ News
President’s Cup was held. The additional mask strap rule was delayed prior to that tournament. That rule will apply for Oceanics / Nationals. There is still a request for assistance for the Officiating Commission (led by Hamish Bulmer). FIE rules that apply to FENZ tournaments will be advertised more clearly as there has been confusion on some aspects (Shouting rule for example). A Privacy Officer is being advertised. There are now FENZ socks – being sold via Mainland Fencing.
Other Business:
- Oceanic Seniors / Juniors – David has put together a team. Heather will be DT. Maja as deputy DT. Hamish McMorland – Armourer. David Butler – Floor Manager. Katie Logan – Referees convenor. Sunnie to assist with accommodation and billeting of referees.
- Whangarei Tournament discussed. Maja to be approached to see if she can assist with setting up registration etc.
Confirmation of next meeting date – Monday.26 July 2021.
Meeting Closed: 9:27 pm