Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 09.08.2021
Meeting Opened: 7: pm (Microsoft Teams)
Present: David Elder (President), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Ben Upton (Secretary), Sunnie Sun (Vice President, Massey University), Katie Logan (NZ Academy of Fencing), Matthew Houtman, Rhys Greensill, Matt Stanley.
Apologies: Mary Black (Tuatahi), David Butler (Equipment Officer), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer)
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Minutes approved.
Matters Arising:
There has been no interest expressed in assisting Maja in the running of tournaments. An interest group needs to be established. Ben Upton will try and generate interest in this.
Medals have been obtained. Fabric pistes have also arrived. Sectional pistes have been priced but not yet ordered. David to prepare a resolution so that the funding agencies can be contacted. Katie is still working on referee training.
Mask strap rules were not applied to Presidents Cup, but will apply to Nationals. There is a concern that some school entrants may not have all the required equipment. Ben to send an email reminding coaches / entrants of that requirement.
Treasurer’s Report
Amanda sent her apologies. The cash book record was reported ($32k in current account and $23k in savings). There are still some outgoings still to be paid for pistes, medals, coaching costs for camp and misc. (c.$10k).
Report approved.
Maja reported on the SS#3. 107 competitors. This was a good turnout (only slightly lower than the SS#1 which had 120 competitors). Pickworth in Whangarei. Only foil could not take place due to a result of lack of entries. There was a profit of $495. There was discussion of how that profit might be applied. It is a small amount of money and (unlike other tournaments which Fencing North organises) Whangarei Swords played a large part in organising this tournament. It was agreed that Whangarei Swords would get these proceeds. The same approach will be applied to the Larsen (in Hamilton). Noted that the profit was only possible with Maja, David, Peter and Fiona donating their costs. This was appreciated.
Future tournaments were noted. There is a busy agenda.
Noted that U20s will be a national and not an Oceanic event.
Calendar to be updated to remove reference to Whangarei Tournament in November.
Permanent Venue
Rhys Greensill reported. There is not much stock available and prices have increased. There is nothing for sale. Contacts are out with all relevant RE agents in the warehousing space. Auckland Swords is still looking at this as an option, but they have concerns around the structure and risk.
National Secondary Schools
These take place in Christchurch at the end of the month. Entries have been slow and have been promoted.
The tournament is a training development camp for referees. Fencing North will be sending 4-5 referees, but there is interest for 7. Proposed that Fencing North pay for airfares (est. cost $2,000). They would be billeted.
It was proposed that Fencing North send up to 7 candidates and that Fencing North fund up to $300 per person. This is on the expectation that they referee 4 tournaments and make best efforts subsequently to referee Fencing North tournaments. This was approved (David Elder abstaining due to a conflict of interest).
There will be a need to co-ordinate teams on the day. Rhys and David will co-ordinate as required with the assistance of Judit.
Nationals – Organisation
U 20s is a two day event at Te-Pai. The timetable has been published. There will be regional teams. One team per region. If a region cannot field of a team, then that spot will be open to other regions, with preference given to Fencing North (as host).
Senior Nationals is still ear-marked to be Oceanics, but this remains unlikely. It remains a 3-day event over Labour Weekend. This will be a Te-Pai.
The timetable has been published on the FENZ website.
Teams for NZU20s will be selected based on performances on the day in the individual competition. Someone to be allocated on the day to manage the team.
Team selection for Nationals to be discussed at the next meeting.
Sunnie is still to look at working up information around accommodation for Nationals.
Health and Safety
No incidents to report.
Hobsonville School want use of a piste for ‘Piste for the People’. The Council is looking for a report and inputs are required for that from clubs in particular. Past resolutions cover future purchases.
FeNZ News
Drug Free Sport NZ confirmations are being sought on competition entries. There likely needs to be more information about this.
FENZ will be covering travel insurance costs and material aid insurance.
Commonwealth Fencing 2022 – A project manager is being sought and there is a volunteer from Wellington.
Hamish Bulmer is heading the Officiating Commission. There has been no response to the advertised position of a Privacy Officer.
Membership tiers are being reviewed.
Other Business:
No other business.
Confirmation of next meeting date – Monday, 6 September at 6pm (earlier).
Meeting Closed: 9:10 pm