Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 27.09.2021
Meeting Opened: 7:00 pm (Microsoft Teams)
Present: David Elder (President), Mary Black (Tuatahi), Ben Upton (Secretary), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Katie Logan (NZ Academy of Fencing), Rhys Greensill, Hannah Choi (University), Peter Butler (Equipment Officer), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Matt Stanley (Whangarei), Sunnie (Vice President, Massey)
Apologies: None received.
Confirmation of the Previous Minutes: Minutes approved.
Matters Arising:
Other than Fiona there have been no interest in DT for foil. Ben to seek to generate interest in this by setting up a foil interest group.
Medals have been obtained.
We now have 13 pistes (9 fabric and 4 sectional). Work still to be done on referee training. NZSS was cancelled.
Treasurer’s Report
$6k profit this year. Some of this is grants. There was a grant from Auckland Council (balance of ‘Pistes for the People’). There are grants of $17.5k for the year, which is positive. Most of this has been spent on pistes. Active money was not ‘tied’. The last camp covered its costs. There is $55k in the bank. Cashbook was circulated ahead of the meeting.
Report approved.
There have been no competitions due to Covid. Nationals are most unlikely. There will some thought given to running competitions at Level 2. This could be possible if the 100 limit applies. However, there are too many uncertainties at this stage.
Matt Stanley reported on how level 2 was working in Whangarei (at Level 2).
Nationals will not be held in Auckland. FENZ is still looking at whether it may be possible to hold Nationals outside of Auckland (over Labour Weekend). This will be decided tomorrow. If not at Labour Weekend, will it be postponed. There will be issues with school and university exams. There may be a festival of fencing later in the year. This will be addressed by FENZ tomorrow.
There will be a training camp in we of 23 January 2022.
Commonwealths and High Performance Training Programme
FENZ has decided that if you want to attend Commonwealth, then you must signal interest (via long list)(20 October). All clubs to be advised with member email to be sent.
David Elder has had an approach from Luke Meng (Auckland University) who wants to put forward a High Performance Training Programme for Fencing North fencers interested in looking at going to Commonwealth Championships. Further questions have been asked. There are 10 spots available. This is more fitness based (strength and conditioning) but also linked in with Auckland University fencing training on Saturdays. Luke is a sabre fencer.
The cost suggested is $50 per person per week. Total cost $5,000 if fully funded.
Moved that Fencing North contribute $2,000 towards this proposal. This was not approved. Fencing North are otherwise happy to promote it. David Elder to respond to Like Meng.
Health and Safety
No incidents to report.
Permanent Venue
Rhys Greensill reported. A good venue was sighted in Waitakere (available 2022) but likely too expensive (rent at $160k pa). It was also quite difficult to get to.
So there are venues available, but there are on the fringes and prices are increasing. There remains no clear business plan. The next step is to put forward a sub-committee to look at working this proposal forward. Rhys to continue looking. Peter to look into legal structure with assistance from Ben.
Fund raising is difficult with Covid. This will continue until Level 2. There was an application to Active. This was not accepted as we did not meet the requirements of the fund however this was being progressed via MBIE (re. concept of a Covid recovery fund). Auckland Council provided a further $1,000 following a final report on ‘Pistes for the People’.
Set for Sunday, 28th November 2021.
FENZ news
David gave a brief report. There is heighted presence of drug testing and fencers need to be aware of this.
Growing women’s fencing
Hanna Choi indicated that she was wanting to undertake more work to promote fencing for women. She was seeking underlying data. Hanna to be provided core data as required.
Other Business:
No other business.
Confirmation of next meeting date – No meeting date set tonight. Covid situation will be kept under review and a meeting convened prior to the AGM if fencing resumes and issues arise.
Meeting Closed: 9:15 pm