Fencing North Inc. Annual General Meeting 28.11.2021
Meeting Opened: 7:03pm
Present: Sunnie Sun (Vice President), David Elder (ex President and for Salle Jean Louis), Ben Upton (Secretary), Peter Butler (Equipment Office and for Auckland Swords), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Rhys Greensill (Fund Raising), Mary Black (Tuatahi), Margaret Black, Fiona Campbell (Health & Safety), Katie Logan (NZ Fencing Academy); Luke Meng; Hannah Choi (Auckland University Swords), Michael Valkenburg.
Quorum achieved
Apologies: Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Arthur Gatland, Matt Stanley (Whangarei Swords)
Chair – In the absence of a President, Ben Upton (Secretary) chaired the meeting.
- To receive and consider the statement of income and expenditure and balance sheet for the previous financial year ended 31 October 2021.
Financial statements prepared by Amanda Hopkins had been circulated ahead of the meeting to all members. There were no comments or questions. In the absence of Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Ben Upton made some brief remarks as requested by her. These were conveyed to the meeting.
Resolution – That the financial statements prepared by the Treasurer be accepted.
Resolution – That the approved financial statements not be audited.
- To consider the President’s report of the state of affairs of Fencing North Inc.
David Elder (as recently retired President) delivered his report. His written report was circulated ahead of the meeting.
Katie Logan commented that separate women’s sabre events at senior level were not possible – David to amend his report to reflect that.
Rhys Greensill commented that Selwyn College has received a further $10,000 grant to start up a new club.
Resolution – That David Elder’s report be accepted.
- Election of Officers.
The current Officers and Members of the Executive of Fencing North are:
- President – Vacant.
- Vice President – Sunnie Sun – Willing to continue.
- Treasurer – Amanda Hopkins – Willing to continue.
- Secretary – Ben Upton – Willing to continue.
- Head of Tournaments – Maja Saran assisted by Fiona – Willing to continue.
- Club representatives – The following were advised at the meeting. Mary Black (Tuatahi), Katie Logan (NZAF), Hannah Choi (Auckland Uni) David Elder (Salle Jean Louis), Peter Butler and Kyle McDonald (Auckland Swords).
- Schools Representative – Judit Fliszar – Willing to continue.
- Rhys Greensill (Fund raising) – Willing to continue
- Referee co-ordinator – Katie Logan
The following two people have also volunteered to assist as media person – Kirsten Hansen and Adi Mhaskar – They will share these duties with Kirsten operating Social Media and Adi operating a newly updated website.
Resolution - That the meeting approve all of the above as officers and/or members of the executive of Fencing North Inc.
- General Business
No general business was advised.
Meeting Closed: 7:23pm