Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 13.06.2022
Meeting Opened: 7:09 pm (Microsoft Teams)
Present: Ben Upton (Secretary), Peter Butler (President), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Matt Stanley (Hikurangi Fencing Club), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Katie Logan (Academy of Fencing); Fiona Campbell (H&S and assistant tournaments).
Apologies: Mary Black (Tuatahi).
Minutes of last committee meeting
These were read at the meeting and approved.
Noted that the reference to ‘gross profit’ in relation to the schools tournament is actually to ‘gross revenue’. This will be corrected.
Matters arising
Date for U20 Nationals is 15/16 October 2022. This will be run in combination with the Fencing North Open.
The University’s Pride tournament did not take place due to exam clashes. This was unfortunate but the University chose the date and this created the problem.
Dave Elder to be chased in relation to video referee system.
Treasurer’s Report
Amanda Hopkins reported that there was still a lot of unpaid team entry fees. There was a discussion concerning invoicing which will be addressed as between Maja and Amanda.
There is currently $59,000 in the bank of which $11,000 is dedicated to venue hire.
David Elder is still to provide a quote for the video referee system.
There was a discussion concerning how referees were paying their honorarium. Katie Logan reported that bank transfers would be preferred but only if they were prompt. The other option being supermarket vouchers.
Agreed that vouchers will be retained ($30 for ½ day, $50 for whole day). Peter and Katie to operate that system on the day.
There was a discussion around carpeting costs. Agreed that we would continue to operate the current system even if the overall cost is a little higher than Trusts for the smaller competitions.
It was reported that weapons check was becoming an issue in terms of gathering ranking points.
Reported that full weapons check was required for National Tournaments. A policy was not in place for regional tournaments. Indicated that weights and gauges should be taken.
Noted that we did not want to take an approach that discouraged participation.
Agreed that there was lack of clarity from FENZ. Agreed that weights and gauges be done with referees given discretion in relation to presentation of fencers on the piste.
Noted that Maja has done a lot of work to improve the landing page for tournaments and that minimum requirements are recorded.
Better Participation Initiatives (Foil)
Ben Upton referred to the responses to a recent email. Noted that FB Messenger worked well for Sabre. This will be looked at in terms of the foil space.
Nothing reported.
Health and Safety
Nothing to report. Te Pai has found new storage area for fencing equipment. This means wheeling equipment out in a different way which could put a little more stress on the trolleys. Better supervision required for the set up exercise.
Nothing to report here. What is required is a fund raising officer. A 12 month calendar / formalised plan would be ideal.
Amanda Hopkins reported around initiatives to get fencers to overseas tournaments.
There was discussion about the Sabre and Foil club teams event which we are supposed to deliver. There may be some options in early December in combination with the Bauble.
There was a push to get coaches registered with Police vetting. Fundraising for Commonwealth Champs is going well. There is development of a child protection policy.
World University Games is taking place in Chengdu in 2023.
There is a training camp in July, but this has been advertised late.
Other Business:
Hannah Choi indicated she was organising a movie night – 16 July 2022.
Confirmation of next meeting date –Monday, 11 July 2022.
Meeting Closed: 9:16 pm.